THE INDRANI MUKERJEA Story: Using previously unreleased video, some new information, and powerful testimonies from those involved in the case—including the primary suspect, Indrani Mukherjea—this Netflix documentary revisits the Sheena Bora Murder case.

Evaluation: Mumbai It was indeed a “Prime Time Murder,” as the Mirror put it. Nationwide shockwaves followed the arrest of media baron Indrani Mukherjea for the murder of her sister Sheena Bora, who subsequently turned out to be her daughter. The tabloids would have loved this story. Money, love, lies, deceit, and a cold-blooded murder—it had it all. However, the case is still mysterious nine years after the murder was discovered. Since the prosecution was unable to prove Indrani’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, all of the suspects were freed on bond.

In spite of strong evidence and reports pointing to Indrani’s involvement, this documentary provides Indrani a platform by having her in a lengthy interview where she attempts to maintain her innocence. Uraaz Bahl and Shaana Levy deftly challenge many of Indrani’s claims by incorporating twenty crucial phone conversations between her ex-husband Peter and his son Rahul. Yes, while they had the opportunity, they could have questioned her more directly. Additionally, it appears that the documentary passed up the chance to delve further into the alleged murder’s motivation and the convoluted money trail connected to INX media.

The enormous sum of money that was purportedly siphoned off from Sheena’s account by Indrani and Peter from INX media is mentioned in passing as possibly one of the primary drivers behind the horrific crime. Some journalistic testimonies are either judgmental and opinionated, or they repeat the obvious. Including at least a small amount of representation from Peter’s side of the family would have been more balanced.

The documentary, which is divided into four parts, essentially revisits the entire case from the perspectives of Indrani’s defense attorney, some of the media who covered it, and her daughter Vidhie Mukherjea. Even though the case is still very recent in our memories, the use of a great deal of previously unreleased video, some startling new information, and a very deft edit undoubtedly contribute to presenting the complex family dynamics between the Mukherjeas from a different angle. Indrani claims that it also goes into greater detail about her traumatic past and offers a genuine glimpse into her relationships with her three children.

The excellent technical elements of this documentary add to its captivating qualities. Pitch-perfect, from the intricate production design and graphics by Akash Gautam to the flawless cinematography by John W. Rutland and the powerful background score by Joel Crasto. It’s also admirable how the creators managed to distill a significant quantity of information and all the complexities of the case into a focused and succinct documentary series.

Like this reviewer, who has followed this case closely, “The Indrani Mukherjea Story Buried Truth” might not reveal anything new to you. However, if you’re prepared to look past the obvious and pay attention to what’s not said, this documentary series does a compelling job of resolving one of the most perplexing murder mysteries in India.

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