CONSTELLATION SEASON 1 Story: Jo is an astronaut, Jo came back home after an international space station accident. After she came back home the world was not the same as before she sees. She was upset about that situation.

CONSTELLATION SEASON 1 Review: This ‘Constellation’ series is a Psychological Space thriller and also this story creates the relationship between a mother and her Daughter.

Constellation is a space thriller Drama, this story tells about the claustrophobia experienced by Jo. This shows real. Jo faces the claustrophobic atmosphere, and this series narrates the main characters. This episode turns so many twists and attracts the people. Constellation is a superb viewing experience.

This series revolves around the astronaut JO(Noomi Rapace) an international Space astronaut. The International Space Station had an accident in that accident that claimed a member’s life. Three members left the space and came back to their homes. JO repairing the spacecraft’s batteries in the space station alone, she faces psychological loneliness. when she came back home she faced many struggles, she saw many changes. The world is different for her and also she remembers all her car colors and her husband and children’s relationship everything is challenging for her.

JO(Noomi Rapace) is an astronaut and also a mother character. Jo shows the grief, losses, and confusion of life in her role. James D’Arcy(Magnus) is Jo’s husband taking the role of Magnus. He understands the wife’s mental state

‘Constellation’ is a wonderful story, people also see a different world, a Thrilling story. Noomi Rapace’s acting is an amazing and interesting character. The director shows everything is beautiful

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