Synopsis of the CHERAN’S JOURNEY: SEASON 1 REVIEW: Five applicants from various backgrounds apply for the same position. Every individual has a distinct motivation for pursuing it, which may include familial support or individual aspirations. Which one of them is hired?

Review of Cheran’s Journey: Season 1: At the beginning of the film, five applicants are awaiting an interview invitation because they are all vying for the same position. The upcoming episodes of the show walk us through each character’s backstory. Only at the very end is the question of who gets the job answered. As a result, we are forced to endure nine episodes of heartbreaking flashbacks followed by more flashbacks.

We jump from one character’s flashback to another because the pasts of all five candidates are interwoven and presented. This can be confusing at first, but it gets easier with time. All five of the candidates, in all honesty, have experienced hard times in their lives; in fact, some of them have gone through incredibly traumatic experiences. However, the show doesn’t elicit sympathy from you, not even when you can feel their suffering.

Naturally, one of Cheran’s Journey’s advantages is the acting, so that cannot be the cause of this. Perhaps because the suffering, the challenges, and the tragedies are oversimplified, the series doesn’t deliver that gut punch. Even with the intensity of what is being addressed, there are dialogues in the series like “We still live in a dark age” and “People have been struggling for basic needs in my village” that hardly elicit any strong emotions in the viewer.

Overall, because of its preachiness, Cheran’s Journey comes across more as a moral science lecture. In a lengthy tirade, a character in the show brings up racism, discrimination, and Mahatma Gandhi all at once. That sounds good, so it’s obvious that it was added for that reason alone when you hear it.

If a motivational speaker decides to go into film, you get the series. Try the series if all you want is a list of 100 motivational quotes about life.

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